PolarisMail Features Request All the ideas and discussions
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Trusted IPs - clearer on refresh internval

the refresh runs every hour, so the delay could be as small as 1 minute if he does it at xx:59 or as big as 59 minutes if he does it at xx:01

either change string when adding to someting like "update can take up to 1h".


some text in the page "settings take up to 1h to be enforced".


Flavio , 05.03.2021, 08:41
Idea status: under consideration


Flavio, 08.03.2021, 12:39
A few also confused that they add aliases and it doesnt reflect right away, seems to take a few min.

Maybe change the default message "updated. can take a few minutes or more time to update entire cluster"

and in trusted IPs put some text in the page that it takes up to 1h...

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